Winner takes all. A whole army of tattoo supplies and machines have been assembled, leading the way with a pink Flux + PowerBolt battery pack worth $1350! Also included is a Xion in the spectacular cosmic storm design worth $750. Add to that inks, needles, barrier film, cups and aftercare and one lucky artist will feel like it’s an endless Christmas.
Help us spread the word about our Black Friday specials on your Instagram and you’re entered to win.* Read details below about what we’ve nicknamed “The Motherload” drawing.
*3 steps to enter to win $7500 worth in tattoo products and machines:
In addition to the Flux and Xion, the winner also receives:
- Hover touchless power supply
- LightningBolt battery duo pack
- Edge X tattoo machine
- Direkt2 tattoo machine
- Halo 2 tattoo machine
Out of inks? Get a rainbow of colors you’ll love:
- Three World Famous three primary pigment sets
- Three Kuro Sumi pigment sets
- World Famous Blackout
- World Famous lining set
- World Famous pastel set
Peak and Vertix have you covered with plenty of boxes
Any other tattoo supplies?
The giveaway includes- sticky strips
- Hive cups
- disposable razors
- tattoo bibs
- FK Irons swag
- ergo wrap
- grips and more!
Sign up for our email list for more opportunities to win big prizes, as well as how-to tips from top tattoo artists.
For a limited time only we’re doing a monthly drawing for a wireless Flux tattoo machine to increase email subscriptions. In October we raffled a three-of-a-kind limited edition golden Flux signed by children fighting cancer. In August we gave away a Spektra Direkt2 special edition ultraviolet machine to encourage reviews on our website that help tattoo artists find the right products for them.